Thursday, February 10, 2011

Michael with some some bowls from The Empty Bowls Project.

Things sure are different here at blogger since I abandoned my blog about 2 years ago. Just for the record I didn't abandon my blog for any negative reasons I just got busy with our move and fell out of the habit.
So here we, The Family Terra, trying out our collective hand at another blog and a youtube channel all to be connected with our facebook pages. This will be really interesting for the technologically impaired. The impaired part of the team would be me, Victoria. Everyone else is much faster with all this technology than I am. But I seem to be the one with the moments eeked out of our day that is setting this all up. Hopefully some other family member will take pity on me and help me tweak and spruce up the collective place (so to speak).
It's been busy around our house/studio since Christmas. The time that we were supposed to hunker down and catch up on all things business and personal got thrown out with the sun (really it's been very grey here!) and our lives have been taken over with Michael's baby....The Empty Bowls Project.
The Empty Bowls Project was started by a bunch of potters way those many years ago. Potters make bowls, restaurants donate food to fill the bowls, and a day is set up where it all comes together (here it is Feb. 26th, noon to 5pm, at the Cherry Civic Center). Here in Paducah, people pay $15 to pick out a bowl and then they get to walk around the room and have different restaurants fill their bowl with food. Usually it's soup. With Michael at the projects head who knows what you'll end with. Seriously...there will be good food abounding! All of the proceeds go toward a charitable organization that feeds those in need. Michael has chosen The Community Kitchen.
As I write this, at this very moment!, a group from The Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau is downstairs glazing bowls. We've had a lot of people through our doors since the New Year! I'll be posting again soon. For are some pictures that I took just a bit ago:
Just look how much fun they're having!

My color's best, see?

Mary is ever intent on trying to choose just right the colors for her bowl.

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